Shared Storage
Oliver Pitzeier
2002-10-25 12:16:40 UTC
Hi volks!

It's a not suitable question here, but where else shall I reach many

I'm searching for shared storage solutions in conjunction with my Alphas
(DS10, DS20e) and of course the best would be if it would work with Intel as

However... Are there any experienced users out there?

Our storage solution comanies here in Austria have no idea what to do with
Alphas... :o)

Any comments and ideas are welcome!

Best regards,
Oliver Pitzeier
UNIX Administrator
Linux 2.4.18-14 i686 Load: 1.86, 1.62, 1.37
Leslie Donaldson
2002-10-25 19:39:39 UTC
I haven't tried this yet but I have been considering it...


The new and old redhats ship with the bnaries, Cutting up storage
may be done with the lvm (A little annoying I know) and stick an raid
under it...

Leslie D
Post by Oliver Pitzeier
Hi volks!
It's a not suitable question here, but where else shall I reach many
I'm searching for shared storage solutions in conjunction with my Alphas
(DS10, DS20e) and of course the best would be if it would work with Intel as
However... Are there any experienced users out there?
Our storage solution comanies here in Austria have no idea what to do with
Alphas... :o)
Any comments and ideas are welcome!
Best regards,
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